Summary: A century after the first human brainwave recording, EEG technology has revolutionized our understanding of brain function, particularly in diagnosing epilepsy. Experts...
ByYoung By ChoiceAugust 23, 2024Summary: Researchers enabled a silent person to produce speech using thought alone. Depth electrodes in the participant’s brain transmitted electrical signals to a...
ByYoung By ChoiceJuly 17, 2024Summary: Researchers discovered a neural activity pattern that can accurately predict and monitor the clinical status of OCD patients undergoing deep brain stimulation...
ByYoung By ChoiceJuly 15, 2024Unraveling the brain's mysteries through cutting-edge research, AI-driven insights, and advances in neurotech are reshaping our understanding of psychology and mental health, offering...
ByYoung By ChoiceJuly 1, 2024Summary: Researchers developed an artificial lymph node that can train T-cells to recognize and kill cancer cells, potentially revolutionizing cancer treatment. This new...
ByYoung By ChoiceJune 7, 2024Summary: Researchers used a wearable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development and conditions like...
ByYoung By ChoiceJune 5, 2024Summary: Researchers found that people easily learned to use a controllable, prosthetic “Third Thumb” for manipulating objects. The device, tested on a diverse...
ByYoung By ChoiceMay 30, 2024