Friday , 5 July 2024
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AI Decodes Emotion Through Movements

Summary: A new methodology developed by an international research team uses motion capture and the EMOKINE software to decode emotions from movements. The...

brain research, AI, psychology, neuroscience, mental health and neurotech.

brain research, AI, psychology, neuroscience, mental health and neurotech.

Unraveling the brain's mysteries through cutting-edge research, AI-driven insights, and advances in neurotech are reshaping our understanding of psychology and mental health, offering...


AI Tool Blends Programming and Language for Better Problem Solving

Summary: Researchers have developed natural language embedded programs (NLEPs), enabling AI models to solve complex tasks by generating and executing Python programs. This...



In a world increasingly reconciled with artificial, we sit at the dawn of the Cyborg Era. Imagine, the fusion of human and machine...