Saturday , 29 June 2024
Home Ben Greenfield Corner Ancient Training Secrets for Modern Fitness with James Pieratt
Ben Greenfield Corner

Ancient Training Secrets for Modern Fitness with James Pieratt

Imagine having the ability to explore the secret training halls of ancient Sparta, the Arctic strength-building methods of the Inuit, and the magical underwater world of a tribe of aquatic superhumans in the South Pacific…

Today’s guest, James Pieratt, one of the longest-ranged runners on the planet, has made it his mission to take you on a journey through history that provides valuable insights into how you can improve your own life through physical fitness and mental fortitude.

In this episode, you’ll gain insights from James, a record-breaking wilderness ultramarathon runner, into the training tactics of ancient warriors (which he teaches at Wild Hunt Conditioning), receive an in-depth look at the Spartan warrior diet, uncover the incomparable strength and wrestling abilities of historical U.S. presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and get a sneak peek at his new book, A History of Physical Fitness, which analyzes the evolution of physical fitness trends, training techniques, diets, and mentalities.

Get ready to uncover the strategies that have unlocked James’s superhuman potential to run 500 miles in ultramarathons—all without the aid of a gym membership—so you can equip yourself with both ancient wisdom and modern methods for optimizing your life!

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