Friday , 5 July 2024
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Brain Research


Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline

Summary: Giving birth to low-birth-weight infants may be associated with memory and thinking problems later in life. The research, involving 15,323 women, showed...

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS).

Boost Brain Health with tDCS: Benefits, Risks, and Technological Insights

The post "Enhancing Brain Health with Technology: Exploring the Benefits and Risks of tDCS" delves into the revolutionary use of transcranial Direct Current...


Brain Structures Near Phase Transition Across Species

Summary: New research reveals that brain structures in humans, mice, and fruit flies are near a phase transition, suggesting a universal principle. The...


Pet Ownership Boosts Men’s Empathy Towards Animals

Summary: Men who own pets exhibit higher empathy towards animals compared to farmers and non-pet owners. The study analyzed responses from 91 men,...


Artificial Lymph Node Shows Promise in Cancer Treatment

Summary: Researchers developed an artificial lymph node that can train T-cells to recognize and kill cancer cells, potentially revolutionizing cancer treatment. This new...


Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity

Summary: Researchers used a wearable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development and conditions like...


Parenthood Shrinks Brain Volume but Boosts Engagement in Dads

Summary: Brain volume decreases in first-time fathers are linked to increased parenting involvement, and also more sleep problems, and mental health issues. This...


SSRIs Reveal New Potential Beyond Depression Treatment

Summary: A new study uncovers a key biological process targeted by SSRIs, suggesting new clinical applications. The study found that SSRIs affect membrane...


Third Thumb: Public Quickly Adapts to Controllable Extra Thumb

Summary: Researchers found that people easily learned to use a controllable, prosthetic “Third Thumb” for manipulating objects. The device, tested on a diverse...


Aging Reduces Sensitivity to Heat Pain but Not Pressure Pain

Summary: Aging reduces sensitivity and discriminative ability for heat pain, but not pressure pain. Researchers compared pain perception in young and older adults...