Friday , 5 July 2024
Home mental wellness

mental wellness

brain research, AI, psychology, neuroscience, mental health and neurotech.

brain research, AI, psychology, neuroscience, mental health and neurotech.

Unraveling the brain's mysteries through cutting-edge research, AI-driven insights, and advances in neurotech are reshaping our understanding of psychology and mental health, offering...

Beyond Serotonin: Scientists Are Finally Unlocking the True Mechanism of Antidepressants

Beyond Serotonin: Scientists Are Finally Unlocking the True Mechanism of Antidepressants

In a groundbreaking study, scientists are delving deeper than ever into the true mechanisms of antidepressants. Moving beyond the serotonin theory, they’re uncovering...



Uncover the tranquility beneath the storm of thoughts. Gently, like a feather descending, embrace the silent, timeless art of meditation. Allow your essence...



Discover the marvel of biofeedback: your body's own Morse code. Learn how the subtleties of your heartbeat, sweat, and brain waves whisper hidden...

Image credit DALL-E 2024 - holistic health
Modern Wellness

holistic health

Beneath the umbrella of holistic health, a symphony of well-being plays. It’s a dance where mind, body, and spirit intertwine in a vibrant...